Budgeting most often is accompanied by an article or a lecture about spending your money and what shape your finances are in. But have you thought about how important it is to budget your time as well.
Life becomes so hectic and it is easy to become overwhelmed. This hectic lifestyle can contribute to your spending habits and to your overall health. Busy lives and over booked days lead to eating on the run at the expense of the money budget but also at the expense of your family relationships and your health. Skipping meals, short changing your sleep, and decreasing family time can all lead to stress.
How does that relate to your money picture? You spend more on impulsive buying when you are rushed and when you are in a hurry. You grab extra things at the check out, you often eat out more, and may even spend more on material things because after all, you deserve it. In this case spending is filling a void, one you should be filling with some relaxation and debt free entertainment.
Busy lives and spending more lead to more stress than what your daily job offers. Spending brings on the stress of debt, forgetting to pay a bill or pick up the laundry, and any number of emotionally charged areas in your life that you feel short changed.
Try these tips:
Say no more often.
Stay home at least one night a week as a family.
Eat at home together.
Spend less than you make.
Work less overtime and design your budget around less income.
I know this sounds like an impossible thing to accomplish, but believe me when I say ?. you will always spend what you earn and more unless? you take charge of your life and start budgeting your time. Give it some thought this weekend. It may change your outlook on Monday morning.
Source: http://blogs.ideasforwomen.com/blogs/money/2012/02/budget-for-time/
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