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LOS ANGELES (AP) ? An early tally of mail-in ballots and a sprinkle of returns from precincts Tuesday pointed to a tight race for Los Angeles mayor that could leave a winner unknown on Election Day.
The preliminary count pegged city Controller Wendy Greuel at 51 percent and city Councilman Eric Garcetti at 50 percent, with only 233 votes separating them out of more than 145,000 cast.
Despite record spending, turnout at polls appeared sluggish after a campaign that centered on the city's ailing economy and budget and the influence of municipal unions.
The two City Hall regulars failed to bring much sparkle to the contest to succeed Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who exits office July 1 after two up-and-down terms.
Only one of four voters in the nation's second-most populous city were projected to cast a ballot, possibly a historic low in a city known to shrug at local politics.
The tightness of the race between the two Democrats suggested it could take days to count all the ballots.
Garcetti, 42, a city councilman who could become the city's first elected Jewish mayor, and Greuel, 51, who could become the first woman to hold the job, occupy so much of the same policy turf they've been dubbed "Greucetti."
A steady stream of negative advertising from the campaigns and outside groups has helped obscure the candidates' promises about free-flowing traffic, new jobs and better schools in coming years.
Voters also were judging three competing ballot proposals to manage the city's proliferation of pot shops, forcing residents to weigh the needs of the sick against complaints about crime around the dispensaries.
While some cities successfully managed pot collectives, Los Angeles fumbled and dispensaries sprouted across the city. Proposition D would cap the number at 135 ? the total that opened prior to 2007 ? and raise taxes slightly; Proposition E would cap the number at the same level but raise no new taxes; Proposition F wouldn't limit the number of pot shops but would put stringent controls such as audits and background checks on employees while also raising taxes.
The proposition with the most votes wins ? if it collects a majority. If none of the measures receives more than 50 percent of the vote, the issue could bounce back to the City Council.
Greuel and Garcetti emerged from a March primary in which no candidate secured the majority needed to win outright, leading to Tuesday's runoff. Only about two in 10 voters went to the polls in that race.
The mayoral contest has seen record spending ? over $30 million overall ? and the outcome was expected to swing on appeal with key voting groups, including blacks, Latinos and older whites, and turnout in the San Fernando Valley, South Los Angeles and other battleground neighborhoods.
On Monday, Greuel sent off a final round of recorded endorsements from former President Bill Clinton, in whose administration she once worked, while Garcetti was on campaign stops arguing a simple point to mostly indifferent residents: The election matters.
While Garcetti could become the first Jewish man elected mayor, he would not be the first Jew to hold the job. Bernard Cohn was mayor briefly in 1878, after being appointed to fill a vacancy.
The pace of activity at one Silver Lake polling place was slow. Voters faced no wait for booths at midday.
"I voted for Wendy Greuel," said Chris Johnson, 31, a college employee. "And I voted for her largely because of Bill Clinton's endorsement of her."
Voter Angela Beltran, a nonprofit research analyst, said the choice was not a gender issue.
"It was more a matter of who has done a lot of the work in the community and in the city," she said. "I've just seen Eric Garcetti really flourish and grow here in Los Angeles."
The lack of public interest ran counter to what's at stake. A key issue has been the city's shaky $7.7 billion budget and the prospect of living with less. Spending is projected to outpace revenue for years, and rising pension and retiree health care bills threaten money that could otherwise go to libraries, tree-trimming and street repairs. Villaraigosa urged his successor to try to block a 5.5 percent pay increase for civilian employees.
With so much common ground on policy, the race became a duel over character issues as well as a referendum on who was closer to politically powerful municipal unions often criticized for landing generous raises and benefits.
Garcetti's commercials labeled Greuel "DWP's mayor," a reference to the Department of Water and Power, whose workers financed ads to help install her at City Hall.
Greuel's attack ads hit Garcetti for a fundraiser organized by a developer who she says once served prison time for fraud.
AP video journalist Raquel Maria Dillon contributed to this report.
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(Reuters) - The Justice Department on Monday asked a federal judge to deny Standard & Poor's motion to dismiss a government lawsuit against the ratings agency, saying its statements on certain financial products were fraudulent and not mere "puffery".
In a $5 billion suit, the U.S. government has accused S&P, owned by McGraw-Hill Companies Inc, of issuing inflated ratings on faulty products to drum up business before the 2008 financial crisis, despite assurances that its judgments were objective.
S&P has denounced the lawsuit, filed in February in the Los Angeles District Court, and accuses the government of cherry-picking emails to misconstrue what its analysts did.
The agency last month asked a federal judge to dismiss the lawsuit, arguing the government's case was based on vague statements that could not prove fraud.
In its defense, S&P cited a federal court ruling, upheld by an appeals court, that described statements made about its independence as insufficient evidence for a fraud conviction.
The Justice Department argued in a court filing on Monday that far from being mere "puffery", S&P made those statements knowing they would be "relied on by investors".
S&P could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters outside of regular U.S. business hours.
The case is in re USA vs McGraw-Hill Companies, Case No. 2:13-00779, U.S. District Court, Central District of California.
(Reporting by Sakthi Prasad in Bangalore; Editing by Stephen Coates)
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JERUSALEM (AP) ? A new Israeli report into the death of a Palestinian boy during a fierce gunbattle in the Gaza Strip more than a dozen years ago has reignited an emotional debate over who killed him ? and how the incident has shaped perspectives of the Mideast conflict.
Israel says a French TV report in 2000 that claimed Israeli forces killed the boy is misleading, provides no evidence and is part of a smear campaign against the Jewish state. For Palestinians, the case remains a vivid symbol of Israeli oppression and of their own sense of victimhood.
The deep feelings surrounding the death of 12-year-old Mohammed al-Dura illustrate how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict goes far beyond the battlefield and is often a high-profile media war as well.
While Israel enjoys an overwhelming military advantage, it is often outclassed in the imagery battle, with the Palestinians portraying themselves as David to Israel's Goliath. It's a touchy subject for Israel, which devotes an enormous amount of energy to promote its image to counter what it sees as hostile international opinion.
The France 2 network report aired on Sept. 30, 2000, days after a Palestinian uprising erupted.
The video showed a terrified child and his father, Jalal, cowering in front of a wall during an exchange of fire between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen. The father is seen gesturing frantically to try to stop the shooting as the boy screams in terror. The camera then cuts to a shot of the motionless boy slumped in his father's lap. France 2 blamed Israeli troops for killing the boy.
Israel has long disputed the accusation, and on Sunday it published the 44-page report of its investigation, ordered last year by Israel's current Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon. It found the TV report misleading and unfairly critical of Israel. It said there was no evidence the boy was shot by Israeli troops or that he was even killed at all, claiming there were no blood marks on the scene or bullet wounds in the alleged victims. It said the boy was shown alive toward the end of raw video it obtained from France 2, but that was not included in the edited TV report.
"It is important to focus on this incident, which has slandered Israel's reputation," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at a ceremony where the report was delivered to him. "This is a manifestation of the ongoing mendacious campaign to delegitimize Israel. There is only one way to counter lies, and that is through the truth."
Yuval Steinitz, Israel's minister of strategy and intelligence, called the al-Dura affair "a modern-day blood libel."
No autopsy was conducted, and the Israeli investigation was based primarily on expert interviews and analysis of the raw film.
The boy's father, Jamal al-Dura, on Monday called the Israeli allegations "silly" and offered to have the body exhumed for international inspection. "If he is still alive, who was the one who was shot in my arms and killed?" he asked. "The entire world saw how my beloved son was killed."
France 2 said it would be willing to help al-Dura's father exhume the body to "clarify the circumstances of the incident."
"France 2 learned about the existence of the committee from the press, and this speaks for itself," said Charles Enderlin, the network's Jerusalem bureau chief and the reporter of the initial al-Dura story.
For the Palestinians, the al-Dura affair became a powerful rallying cry. The Palestinian Authority issued stamps and posters bearing his image and named a children's hospital after him. Other Arab countries named schools and streets in his honor. The boy's father was invited on speaking tours in the Arab world and honored by universities and political parties.
Islamic militants have cited the case as justification for carrying out attacks against Israel and Jewish targets overseas.
Israeli commentators who believe their country has been unfairly punished for the case nonetheless questioned the decision to conduct a new investigation, saying it was unlikely to sway already hardened opinions around the world.
"On one hand, it's better late than never. On the other, the damage has already been done," wrote Ben-Dror Yemini, a columnist for the Maariv daily. "No report, and certainly not a report commissioned by the Israeli government, is going to decrease the damage. We have already been defeated in the battle between lies and the truth. The lies won."
Yossi Kuperwasser, the Israeli official who led the investigation, said it was imperative to set the record straight.
"The entire idea that Israel is a child killer ... is first and foremost based on the Mohammed al-Dura story," he told The Associated Press. "This case ... is still being used by people who are committing terror attacks against Israel. It still feeds the hatred."
Follow Heller on Twitter (at)aronhellerap
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PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) ? The mayor of Portland, Ore., has conceded defeat in an effort to add fluoride to the city's drinking water.
With more than 80 percent of the expected ballots counted late Tuesday night, the Multnomah County election website showed the fluoride proposal failing, 60 percent to 40 percent.
Mayor Charlie Hales supported fluoridation and says "the measure lost despite my own 'yes' vote." He calls the result "disappointing" but says he accepts the will of the voters.
Fluoridation foes were delighted.
The City Council voted last year to add fluoride to the water supply that serves about 900,000 people. But opponents quickly gathered enough signatures to force a vote on the subject.
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MOSCOW (AP) ? Russia's only independent polling agency said Monday it may have to close after prosecutors targeted it for "political activity" under a law spearheading President Vladimir Putin's crackdown on civil society.
Levada Center published a letter, dated last week, from prosecutors who said its polls and publications are "aimed at shaping public opinion on government policy" and demanded it cease publication until it registers as a "foreign agent" under a law passed last year.
Russia has pushed strongly in recent months to enforce the law, which requires all foreign-funded NGOs that engage in ill-defined political activities to register as "foreign agents," a term that recalls Soviet-era propaganda casting suspicion on foreigners. The measure is seen as an attempt to restrict Kremlin critics and undermine their credibility.
Putin has long been suspicious of NGOs, especially those with American funding, which he has accused of being fronts for the U.S. government to meddle in Russia's political affairs.
Levada receives between 1.5 and 3 percent of its funding from foreign sources, including longtime b?tes noires of Putin's foreign policy like the National Institute for Democracy and George Soros' Open Society Institute, according to center director Lev Gudkov.
Prosecutors and courts have cast the widest possible net in defining "political activity," including appealing to the European Court on Human Rights, almost any kind of advocacy work, publicizing rights violations, organizing a roundtable with a U.S. Embassy political officer, and environmental and gay rights activism.
Hundreds of groups have been raided since Putin gave a speech in February demanding the law be enforced. At least 44 NGOs have had legal actions brought against them, according to AGORA, a legal aid NGO.
The campaign has stoked public opinion against NGOs, according to a poll Levada released last week. Only 19 percent of Russians polled thought NGOs did any work of value, while more than half supported a total ban on all foreign funding for groups that criticize the government.
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Spotify's getting a little more granular with its data; starting today, you'll be able to see the top 50 most-played and top 50 most viral songs on the streaming service right here. You'll be able to see total playcounts (rolling out over the next few weeks), filter by country, and embed a delightful widget on your very own homepage. [Spotify]
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Today was the first day that Jason and I and the girls were all together for over a month. We have missed each other so much? And even though it was necessary to be apart, it feels so much better to be together.
Jason is home for the long weekend. He is currently locuming in Nelson, but we have three days together to enjoy. Today we went to the Rutland May Day celebration and spent too much money at the fair.
The girls are such thrillseekers. Neither Jason nor I are like that! So we bought tickets and I chewed my nails on the side hoping desperately that they would not fall out of the ancient contraption they call a fair ride.
Also the requisite facepainting? The lady does do such a good job.
Full of pancake breakfast and samosas [made by local Ethiopian woman] and cinnamon minidonuts, we went home, and had a nap. Jason enjoyed his first home-cooked meal in a month. I think he was pretty grateful for the chicken pecan dandelion green crepes!
Two more days of family togetherness?
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LOS ANGELES (AP) ? A Los Angeles sheriff's spokesman says 'Terminator 2' star Edward Furlong has been arrested on suspicion of violating a restraining order filed by his ex-girlfriend.
Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said that deputies responding to the scene Thursday in West Hollywood found Furlong hiding in a nearby property.
Jail records show he was released Saturday just after noon after being held on $100,000 bail.
In March, the 35-year-old actor had been sentenced to six months in jail for violating his probation in a 2010 case for violating a similar restraining order.
He has been the subject of such orders taken out by both his ex-wife and ex-girlfriend.
The actor was also charged in January of battery of an ex-girlfriend.
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Anna Chan TODAY
1 hour ago
The gang dines and discusses throwing a party for Leonard.
Live long and prosper, Leonard Hofstadter! OK, that may be a little bit of a dramatic farewell, but the gang of "The Big Bang Theory" did say goodbye to him on Thursday's season finale -- though it was just a temporary adios.
As the sixth season of CBS' hit comedy came to a close, the experimental physicist (Johnny Galecki) left to join Stephen Hawking's team on the North Sea for a few months, and naturally, the gang had to throw a farewell party for their pal. But at the shindig, Raj (Kunal Nayyar) was dumped via text by his new lady friend. (Beats getting dumped on a Post-It note, right?!) As sad as that was, it led the tongue-tied astrophysicist to discover that he no longer needed alcohol to talk to women. Good for Raj, bad for the girls. (As Amy said so succinctly in the closing moments, "Does he ever shut up?!")
Though the zingers came fast and furiously from many of the core characters throughout the episode, it was -- as usual -- Sheldon (Jim Parsons) who delivered the best. (Anything else would defy logic, as Sheldon might say.) Here are some of our favorites:
What was your favorite line from Sheldon? What did you think of the finale? Share your thoughts by clicking on "Talk about it" below!
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If there's one thing iMore loves even more than iPhones and iPads (and iPods!), it's giving cool iPhone and iPad accessories and apps to our awesome readers. This week we have amazing cases from both Element and Pad& Quill! The winners are:
Congratulations everyone! Winners will be contacted via email in the next few days. Looking for another chance to win? We always have a contest underway for something cool, so keep your eyes on the blogs for those announcements.
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A series of 16 violent tornadoes ransacked north Texas this week, killing six people and flattening entire neighborhoods. Seven people who were reported missing early Friday morning have now been accounted for, but the storms aren't over yet.
Severe thunderstorms are expected late Friday in Alabama and Mississippi, and the Plains and the Midwest face threats of even more tornadoes this weekend, according the Weather Channel.
Some residents and daredevil storm chasers captured amazing footage as twisters plowed through Texas. We've rounded up some of the best videos.
A resident in Granbury, Texas took this video Wednesday as a tornado pounded the area just on the other side of Lake Granbury.
Tornado chaser Jason Cooley shot this footage Wednesday of a tornado that slammed into cities near Dallas. "We gotta go," says one woman in the video as the twister approaches. Later in the video, a man says, "We were just in a tornado."
One Texas resident captured a hail storm as it pounded DeCordova, Texas just before a major tornado hit Granbury, Texas on Wednesday.
Amy Castaneda created this Vine showing the size of the hail that pummeled Grandbury, Texas on Wednesday. The large hail damaged homes and injured residents. (Click image to view the Vine)
These images capture the destruction in the wake of the multiple tornadoes that tore through Texas.Click image to see more photos of the damage. (AP Photo/The Dallas Morning News, Tom Fox)
Click here to follow Torrey on Twitter.
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May 17, 2013 ? Working with lab mice models of multiple sclerosis (MS), UC Davis scientists have detected a novel molecular target for the design of drugs that could be safer and more effective than current FDA-approved medications against MS.
The findings of the research study, published online today in the journal EMBO Molecular Medicine could have therapeutic applications for MS as well as cerebral palsy and leukodystrophies, all disorders associated with loss of white matter, which is the brain tissue that carries information between nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord.
The target, a protein referred to as mitochondrial translocator protein (TSPO), had been previously identified but not linked to MS, an autoimmune disease that strips the protective fatty coating off nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord. The mitrochronical TSPO is located on the outer surface of mitochondria, cellular structures that supply energy to the cells. Damage to the fatty coating, or myelin, slows the transmission of the nerve signals that enable body movement as well as sensory and cognitive functioning.
The scientists identified mitochondrial TSPO as a potential therapeutic target when mice that had symptoms of MS improved after being treated with the anti-anxiety drug etifoxine, which interacts with mitochondrial TSPO. When etifoxine, a drug clinically available in Europe, was administered to the MS mice before they had clinical signs of disease, the severity of the disease was reduced when compared to the untreated lab animals. When treated at the peak of disease severity, the animals' MS symptoms improved.
"Etifoxine has a novel protective effect against the loss of the sheath that insulates the nerve fibers that transmit the signals from brain cells," said Wenbin Deng, principal investigator of the study and associate professor of biochemistry and molecular medicine at UC Davis.
"Our discovery of etifoxine's effects on an MS animal model suggests that mitochondrial TSPO represents a potential therapeutic target for MS drug development," said Deng.
"Drugs designed to more precisely bind to mitochondrial TSPO may help repair the myelin sheath of MS patients and thereby even help restore the transmission of signals in the central nervous system that enable normal motor, sensory and cognitive functions," he said.
Deng added that better treatments for MS and other demyelinating diseases are needed, especially since current FDA-approved therapies do not repair the damage of immune attacks on the myelin sheath.
The UC Davis research team hopes to further investigate the therapeutic applications of mitochondrial TSPO in drug development for MS and other autoimmune diseases. To identify more efficacious and safer drug candidates, they plan to pursue research grants that will enable them to test a variety of pharmacological compounds that bind to mitochondrial TSPO and other molecular targets in experimental models of MS and other myelin diseases.
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You might have seen the Alcatel One Touch Idol in Iron Man 3. I haven't seen it yet, but with its sleek, thin design, I can see how the Idol looks like a natural pairing for Tony Stark's rich-boy bravado. But I can't imagine that Iron Man himself would ever use a device that's so behind the times. The Idol has no LTE, for instance. There's no HSPA+ either, which means you're stuck in the Internet slow lane. Performance is less than stellar across the board, voice dialing doesn't work, and the camera takes photos that border on impressionistic. The attractive design and $299.99 price tag may make the Idol seem tempting, but you don't need to spend more money to score a much better phone.
Design and Call Quality
Aside from the price, the best thing the Idol has going for it is its design. The phone measures 5.24 by 2.66 by 0.31 inches (HWD), which feels like the perfect size for a big-screen phone you can still comfortably hold in one hand. It is extremely thin, and at just 3.88 ounces, Alcatel claims this is the lightest phone available for its size.
The phone has a unibody construction, made entirely of high-quality plastic designed to look like brushed aluminum, with a buttonless, all-glass front panel. I reviewed the silver model, but the phone comes in a number of much louder colors like green, red, and turquoise. There's a volume rocker and SIM cards slot on the right, a headphone jack and Power button on the top, and a microSD card slot on the left. The back of the phone is completely sealed, so there's no access to the 1,800mAh battery. I prefer a removable back, so you can carry a spare battery if necessary, and the Idol was only good for 6 hours and 31 minutes of talk time on AT&T's network.
The Idol's 4.7-inch IPS LCD is a mixed bag. It gets very bright, but the 960-by-540-pixel resolution makes it considerably less sharp than many of the 720 and 1080p screens we've been seeing lately, on phones like the Oppo Find 5?and Sony Xperia ZL. Alcatel claims there's a special coating on the display that repels fingerprint oil, but it didn't seem to look noticeably different than any number of new phones we've tested.
The Idol is unlocked, so you can use it on either AT&T or T-Mobile's network, or with smaller GSM-based carriers like Simple Mobile (which uses T-Mobile's network). But no matter which carrier you choose, the Idol is running at painfully crippled network speeds. There's no LTE support, or even HSPA+. The phone maxes out at HSPA 7.2, which places you firmly in 3G territory. I tested the phone on AT&T's network and got fine reception, but the phone struggled to reach download speeds of 1Mbps. Uploads were even worse. That means unless you're connected to Wi-Fi (the phone supports 802.11 b/g/n), using the Idol can feel frustratingly slow.
At least call quality is good. Voices sound extremely crisp and clear in the phone's earpiece. Calls made with the phone sound round and full, though aggressive noise cancellation can make voices sound slightly muted. The speakerphone is not loud enough to hear outdoors. I paired the phone with a Jawbone Era?Bluetooth headset. Calls sounded fine, but I was unable to use voice dialing. I tried again without the headset, but the voice dialing app doesn't seem to work at all.
Performance, Android, and Apps
We're seeing more and more quad-core phones every day, but so far there's nothing wrong with a phone still powered by a good dual-core processor. Unfortunately, this one isn't. The Idol uses a dual-core 1GHz MediaTek MT6577 chip, which turned in some pretty low benchmark scores. It's fast enough that navigating your way around the phone feels fine, but opening apps can take a while, and 3D gaming performance is poor. You'll still be able to run most of the 800,000+ apps in the Google Play store, but they may not run optimally.
(Next page: Camera, Multimedia, and Conclusions)
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