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MIAMI ? The U.S. is not ready to handle an oil spill if drilling off the Cuban coast goes awry but can be better prepared with monitoring systems and other basic steps, experts told government officials Monday.
The comments at a congressional subcommittee hearing in the Miami Beach suburb of Sunny Isles come more than a week after a huge oil rig arrived in Cuban waters to begin drilling a deepwater exploratory well.
Similar development is expected off the Bahamas next year, but decades of tense relations between the U.S. and Cuba makes cooperation in protecting the Florida Straits particularly tricky. With memories of the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico still fresh, state and federal officials fear even the perception of oil flowing toward Florida beaches could devastate an economy that claims about $57 billion from tourism.
Florida International University Professor John Proni told officials to be proactive. He is leading a consortium of researchers on U.S. readiness to handle a spill.
"For the last few years, my colleagues and I have been visiting Washington to say the best time to start preparing for an oil spell is before it happens," Proni told leaders of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, in a hotel-turned-hearing room overlooking the turquoise waters the group convened to protect. Proni said he has seen little action from officials in Washington, though they responded positively.
U.S. officials have turned their attention to preventing future spills since the Deepwater Horizon rig leased by BP blew up in April 2010, causing the well to blow out and unleashing millions of gallons of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Crude washed up on pristine shoreline, soiled wildlife and left a region dependent on tourist dollars scrambling to rebuild its image.
Coast Guard officials said Monday they did not know if Cuba had started drilling. Experts testified current estimates have surface oil from a spill moving as quickly as 3 miles an hour due to the Gulfstream, but that the fast-moving current would make it difficult for the oil to quickly cross the Florida Straits.
Rear Adm. William Baumgartner, commander of the Coast Guard region that covers the Florida Straits, said a likely scenario would have the oil spreading and reaching U.S. waters in six to 10 days.
Proni said that lack of specificity is the problem. He wants a system that can monitor changes in underwater sounds to immediately alert U.S. officials to a spill or other unusual activity. He also wants the U.S. to invest in developing better computer models to predict oil movement and to do an assessment of the existing ecosystem and the type of oil Cuba possesses. That way, experts can better pinpoint any damage and find out if it came from Cuban wells.
Proni said the fast-moving water would make it difficult to burn the oil or strain it, as was done to halt the spread of the Deepwater Horizon spill. He added that more research is needed on the risks of using chemicals that break down the oil into tiny droplets.
Baumgartner said his agency has been working to develop a response plan. The Coast Guard and private response teams have been granted the required visas under the U.S. embargo to work with the Cuban government and its partners should a problem arise. Since March 2011, the agency has been working with Repsol RDF, the Spanish company leasing the rig off Cuba, and inspected the rig earlier this month.
The rig was given a good bill of health. Asked Monday about the rig's readiness, though, Baumgartner said inspectors found some minor problems with the safety systems that would have kept the ship from being allowed to drill in U.S. waters. He said it was unclear whether the required repairs had been made.
U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, one of three South Florida Cuban-American lawmakers who attended the hearing, said he hopes the Obama administration will quickly respond to the consortium's concerns. He added that Proni's proposals could be applied to the Gulf of Mexico, where many more rigs are already drilling for oil in U.S. waters.
Meanwhile, U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, has authored a bill that would sanction those who help Cuba develop its oil reserves.
"We can't stop Repsol from drilling now, but we can act to deter future leaders to avoid the Castro brothers becoming the oil tycoons of the Caribbean," she told the committee.
Fellow South Floridian U.S. Rep. David Rivera is proposing to expand the 1990 Oil Pollution Act to fully cover companies operating outside U.S. waters, in the event oil reaches U.S. territory. The 1990 law requires oil companies to repay government agencies for any cleanup costs for spills; it also requires that companies have plans for preventing and cleaning up spills.
But Chairman John Micah, R-Fla., questioned whether the U.S. could enforce any law outside its own waters.
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'When the smoke finally clears, people will understand what was going on,' Young Money MC tells Daily News.
By Rob Markman
Cory Gunz (file)
Photo: Chelsea Lauren/ WireImage
Cory Gunz is out on bail, but the Young Money rapper is not out of the woods just yet.
On Saturday afternoon, Gunz was arrested in the Bronx, New York, after cops searched his backpack and found an unregistered Taurus .9mm pistol. He was charged with criminal possession of a loaded firearm and, if convicted, faces a mandatory minimum sentence of three and a half years in jail.
"This was a big mistake on my part," Gunz told the New York Daily News early Monday morning after his dad, Peter Gunz, posted the $30,000 bail. "I didn't have any intentions of harming anyone or committing a criminal activity. So many young people look up to me and I need to fight through this.
"It's been really hard, really stressful," Cory continued. "When the smoke finally clears, people will understand what was going on."
The News is reporting that Gunz (born Peter Cory Pankey Jr.), who starred in his own MTV reality show, "Son of a Gun," was nabbed around 2:30 p.m. ET in the Soundview section of the Bronx.
"It was definitely an illegal search," Cory's father told MTV News on Sunday afternoon. "To go to a precinct and see your son, your junior, in handcuffs, it's heartbreaking. Anytime you see your child in jail, in the cell, in handcuffs, it's very hard. He's walked down some of the same paths that I walked down, but you never want to see your kids go through what you went through."
Twitter has been buzzing with the news, and Cory's manager Nick Cannon used the social platform to show his support. "Great dude, just a little bad luck. @CoryGunz is holding strong and will be out shortly. Family is here if and when anything is needed," he wrote.
When he was finally released, Cory also took to Twitter.
"Home," he wrote early Monday morning. "I apologize to all of my Supporters, Friends and Family. Things Happen, No excuses. My only regret is letting ya'll down... Peace."
What do you think of how Cory Gunz is handling his arrest? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page.
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Things for the adolesent couple were grand their first year of dating. It wasn't until Angela had started to hang out with other kids that Jack began to show his true colors. Angela would never have even thought that she would want to cheat on him. Yet he somehow thought that she was sneaking behind his back with the captain of the basket ball team sophmore year. It was completely untrue and the only reason Angela was around the basket ball player in the first place was because he had a crush on her friend Amanda. He was getting Angela's help to ask Amanda out.
Jack didn't take it that way. He only say Angela laughing with another boy and it made his blood boil. He had finally snapped when Daniel, the basket ball player, had driven Angela home one night. When confronted about it, Angela had only laughed at Jack's silliness. Being laughed at was humiliating for Jack, and so he had hit Angela.
At first Angela denied it. Jack apologized immensely after that and she believed he would never do it again, but she was wrong. Jack's jealousy and rage continued to fester inside of him and he began to hit her more frequently. Angela tried to leave him when he had broken her arm. Jack was good for about a month after that and convinced Angela to stay with him. When he began to hit her again Angela didn't know what to do. She knew Jack loved her and didn't want to hurt her. She knew he needed help and he knew it two. They both stayed in a silly denial.
Angela approached him about getting help which only angered him further. After that she had resigned herself to be stuck in a relationship that was spiralling downwards. There was no hope.
That is, there wasn't any hope until she found the book.
Angela hadn't known where the book came or what it was for. There was only one page in the book and it was blank. Even still she was compelled to keep it. She hung onto it until the Christmas of her junior year when Jack had come to her in the night drunk as a skunk. She was terrified and cried as he tried to force himself on her and was relieved that he had failed.
At that point Angela sat in front of the blank page and poured her heart out. She wrote down in the most simplest of words.
'I wish he would stop beating me and be the tender boy I know he is.'
As soon as she had written her wish, and a couple tear stains later, Angela lost the book. She didn't know where it got placed or where she had lost it.
It wasn't long after that that things began to change. Jack had stopped hitting her and was sweet on her once more. Angela could scarcely dare to believe it and was afraid to. When he continued his gentle manner she wondered if writing her wish down in that book had something to do with it.
Now summer was coming and Angela bolted from her seat the moment the bell rang. Jack was taking her out for the evening to celebrate their freedom. She was truly happy because he was normal again and she didn't see him turning back to his old ways. She didn't know why he had changed, nor did she care if he stayed that way.
Everything was perfect.
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LONDON?? British police arrested four current and former staff of Rupert Murdoch's best-selling Sun tabloid plus a policeman on Saturday as part of an investigation into suspected payments by journalists to officers, police and the newspaper's publisher said.
Only on
Police also searched the paper's London offices at publisher News International, News Corp.'s British arm, in a corruption probe linked to a continuing investigation into phone hacking at its now closed News of the World weekly tabloid.
News Corp.'s Management and Standards Committee, set up in the wake of the phone hacking scandal, said Saturday's operation was the result of information it had passed to police.
"News Corporation made a commitment last summer that unacceptable news gathering practices by individuals in the past would not be repeated," the committee said in a statement confirming the arrests of four "current and former employees" of the Sun.
The committee is conducting a lawyer-led internal review of News International's remaining titles, which also include The Times and The Sunday Times newspapers, as part of a drive to mend the reputational damage done by the phone hacking scandal.
The committee's investigation into The Sun was "well advanced," News International chief executive Tom Mockridge said in an email sent to staff.
"News International is confronting past mistakes and is making fundamental changes about how we operate which are essential for our business.
"Despite this very difficult news, we are determined that News International will emerge a stronger and more trusted organisation," he added.
Emails warned James Murdoch of phone hacking
News International was providing legal support for the four arrested "colleagues," Mockridge said.
The arrests included The Sun's crime editor Mike Sullivan, its head of news Chris Pharo, and former deputy editor Fergus Shanahan, a source familiar with the situation told Reuters.
Also arrested was the paper's former managing editor Graham Dudman, now a columnist and media writer, the source said.
Police said a 48-year-old man from north London and two other men from Essex, east of London, ages 48 and 56, were arrested at their homes. The fourth man, aged 42, was arrested after reporting to an east London police station.
A Sun reporter, who asked not to be named, said: "Everyone is a bit shocked, there is disbelief really. But there is a big difference between phone hacking and payments to the police."
A 29-year-old policeman serving with the Met Police's Territorial Policing Command, was arrested at the central London police station where he worked.
All five were being questioned on suspicion of corruption.
Operation Elveden
Police searched the arrested men's homes as well as The Sun's offices in Wapping, east London.
Thirteen people have now been arrested over allegations that journalists paid police in return for information.
Their detentions are part of Operation Elveden - one of three criminal investigations into news-gathering practices.
Last week, News International settled a string of legal claims after it admitted that people working for the tabloid had hacked in to the private phones of celebrities and others to find stories.
The phone hacking scandal drew attention to the level of political influence held by editors and executives at News International, and other newspapers in Britain.
It embarrassed British politicians for their close ties with newspaper executives and also the police, who repeatedly failed to investigate allegations of illegal phone hacking.
Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.
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ORLANDO, Fla.?Starting a caravana in Orlando is no easy business. A few cars bedecked with flags bearing the name of a local candidate may gather in a shopping-center parking lot, but when they turn out onto the public streets other cars are slow to join the procession, as they do across Puerto Rico in the days before an election. There, caravans are part of a broad political pageant in which party colors?blue for the pro-statehood party, red for pro-commonwealth?seem to wash over every inch of available surface area on the island, from murals to neckties. That flair travels to the polls: Puerto Ricans vote at some of the highest rates in the Western Hemisphere.
Over the last decade, candidates in Central Florida running for offices at all levels have tried to mobilize the rapidly growing Puerto Rican community by adopting the caravana tradition. But unlike in Puerto Rico, where caravans can go on for hours in a stream of joyful noise, a Floridian homage can be halting and unsettlingly quiet. Sometimes this is by design: Local campaign organizers warn their caravan drivers not to make too much of a racket while traveling through Anglo neighborhoods, for fear of triggering a backlash.
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Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton covers the latest issue of Scouting, a U.K. magazine dedicated to promoting ... scouting. And specifically volunteer work!
The 30-year-old is now the February/March cover girl on the publication, a fitting choice after she performed some private volunteer work with the scouts.
"Part of her role as volunteer is to help below the radar," says a source of Kate's work with girl and boy scouts and their younger counterparts, the Beavers.
The scouts hope the duchess will help Kate Middleton run a variety of activities relevant to her skills and interests, and she's likely to be popping into some groups' regular meetings near her home on Anglesey, North Wales, and elsewhere.
Inside the magazine, adventurer-broadcaster Bear Grylls pays tribute to Kate: "It is how we change our society, many people doing a little bit," he says.
The scouts are one of five charities she chose to patronize in her royal role. Kate is set to start officially touring some of them next month.
She and husband Prince William are due back from vacation in Mustique soon. William then heads to the Falkland Islands for military duty next month.
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The Navy SEALs caught the kidnappers by surprise and rescued Jessica Buchanan and Poul Thisted in Somalia. NBC's Jim Miklaszewski reports.
By NBC News and news services
WASHINGTON -- As two aid workers freed by a Navy SEAL team flew out of Somalia to be reunited with family, details emerged Wednesday about the rescue operation that the Pentagon says left nine captors dead.
Vice President Joe Biden told NBC's "TODAY" show that the U.S. decided to stage the rescue because of concerns that the health of American Jessica Buchanan "was beginning to decline."
"We wanted to act," Biden said.
Buchanan,?32,?and Dane Poul Thisted, 60,?were kidnapped on Oct. 25, and then held for ransom. They both work for the nonprofit Danish Demining Group and had just finished training Somalis on how to clear mines when they were captured.
A Pentagon spokesperson in Washington characterized the captors as "criminal suspects," adding that the U.S. military has no firm indication they were connected to piracy or to any terror group, NBC News reported.
The first official recognition of the rescue operation came Tuesday night in Washington from President Barack Obama himself.?
Danish Refugee Council
As the president entered the House chambers to give his State of the Union Speech, he pointed to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta standing in the crowd and said, "Leon. Good job tonight. Good job tonight."
The president made no mention of the hostage rescue, but finished his speech with a reference to the killing of Osama bin Laden last May in a similar operation to the one conducted by Navy SEALs Tuesday night.?
Immediately after the speech, Obama telephoned Buchanan's father from the Capitol to tell him that she was safe and "on her way home," according to the White House.
According to the U.S. officials, two teams of?Navy SEALs landed by helicopter near the compound where the two hostages were being held.?
STORY: Second American, a writer, held in Somalia; rescue next?
As the SEALs approached the compound on foot gunfire broke out, the U.S. officials said.
Pentagon officials?said the Americans originally intended to capture alive and detain the kidnappers. Instead, for reasons that have not been explained publicly, they killed all nine of them.
Tuesday's rescue was carried out by the same SEAL unit that killed Osama bin Laden, two U.S. officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the operation. The unit is the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, also known as SEAL Team 6. The members of the unit who carried out the rescue operation were not the same personnel as those who killed bin Laden, the officials said.
STORY: Overnight Navy SEAL?rescue frees?hostages
Panetta's press secretary, George Little, said the kidnappers were heavily armed, with explosives "nearby." He said neither the two hostages nor any members of the U.S. assault team were injured.
An official for the group the finances the Danish?Demining Group?said Buchanan and Thisted were flown to?Djibouti and would soon be moved to a "safe haven."
The Danish Refugee Council official, Mary Ann Olsen, added that Buchanan, who reportedly was running low on some?medication,?did not need to be hospitalized.
"One of the first things Poul and Jessica were able to do was to call their families and say they were freed," Olsen said. "They will be reunited with their families as quickly as possible," Olsen said.
Buchanan lived in neighboring Kenya before Somalia, and worked at a school in Nairobi called the Rosslyn Academy from 2007-09, said Rob Beyer, the dean of students.
She graduated in 2006 from Valley Forge Christian College, a small suburban Philadelphia school.
This article includes reporting by NBC Pentagon correspondent Jim Miklaszewski and The Associated Press.
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When hippies and their mainstream sympathizers looked to reduce or eliminate their meat consumption in the late 1960s, tofu was well positioned to grab that market. It had been a staple of Asian cooking for centuries, and came to America with Asian immigrants. Nearly every 19th-century Asian community in California, Oregon, and Washington state had its own manufacturer. America boasted 528 commercial tofu makers between 1925 and 1975, according to William Shurtleff, the Japanese vegetarian cuisine expert who became tofu?s great champion when he published his Book of Tofu in 1975. Shurtleff was profiled in a People magazine article that named Doris Day, Cheryl Tiegs, Bill Walton, and Gloria Swanson among the growing ranks of celebrity tofu-philes.
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When I was a cash very poor university pupil, there were a whole lot of automotive servicing and repair service careers I needed to learn how to do myself. I can adjust my own oil, install new brakes and in some cases solve leaks. Despite the fact that I now pay yankeesprospects an individual to do most of individuals careers, there?s a handful of automotive repair service jobs I nevertheless go for to do by myself. My latest experience using a stinky air conditioner in my automotive gave me an excuse to dust off my automotive repair service abilities. Right here is how I fixed my stinky automotive air conditioner. What is That Smell?
If you should have a very stinky automotive air conditioner, you are going to know it. The scent is especially robust in the event you initial turn on the air conditioner and permeates each individual inch belonging to the automotive. The scent is comparable to tennis-sock odor or mildew and is due to bacteria, mildew and fungi that mature in the air conditioner evaporator core, condenser hose or in the pan accustomed to gather drinking water.
These microscopic organisms mature for the reason that because the air conditioner is chosen, the cold air triggers condensation to sort that then brings together with contaminants for example grime, pollen, dead insects, pet hair, nicotine and tar from cigarette smoke and plant and animal debris. If your condensation does not drain accurately stemming from a clogged tube or in the event the unit isn?t permitted to dry out fully immediately after each and every use, drinking water can end up trapped and stagnate. This allows unsafe bacteria and mildew to mature and lead to odor.
A smelly automotive air conditioner shouldn?t be dismissed; where by you can find odor, you can find mildew. The mildew spores are quite easily inhaled through the occupants belonging to the automotive producing allergies, sinus and asthma problems. Mildew are often specifically unsafe to young children and just about anyone using a compromised immune technique.
The best way to Disinfect and Deodorize the Smell
The first stage during this automotive repair service venture is always to disinfect and deodorize the automotive air conditioner. There is plenty of odor neutralizers in the marketplace which you could spray into your air conditioning vents or specifically into your core. If you should spray a item into your core, it is important to initial drill a small hole into your top rated belonging to the plastic heater box underneath the hood. If you should do not wish to go that route, We have had beneficial effects by using a mixture of Lysol disinfectant spray and drying out the car?s air conditioning unit.
To disinfect and deodorize, set the automotive air conditioner for the recirculate setting. Despite the fact that the air conditioner is jogging, spray Lysol down underneath the dash where by the front passenger?s feet might be; the Lysol shall be sucked up into your unit. Repeat this plenty of moments a day for the number of days inside of a row. This may eliminate any odor producing bacteria. Yet, it?s best to take steps to dry out the automotive air conditioner immediately after each and every use to stop the challenge from recurring.
The best way to Dry Out Car Air Conditioner
To dry out your car air conditioner, flip off your air conditioner a minimum of 5 minutes well before you quit driving. Then, flip the inside admirer to full velocity. This may guide dry out your entire technique. Another solution to dry out the technique is always to set the air conditioning to open circulation a handful of minutes well before turning off the automotive. Any time you flip off the automotive, leave the controls set to open circulation mode. Just before restarting the automotive, flip the air conditioner off in order that the air compressor does not activate if the automotive will start. Any time you turn on the automotive air conditioner, continually leave it set to outside circulation for the number of minutes.
The best way to Obvious Clogged Drain Hose
If you should have deodorized and disinfected the automotive air conditioner, are permitting it to dry out immediately after each and every use and so are nevertheless getting troubles using a unhealthy scent, the automotive might have a clogged drain hose. Another clue the drain hose could be clogged is usually a wet spot within the passenger side ground. This is often some other automotive repair service venture you are able to quite easily do on your own.
To distinct a clogged drain hose, glimpse underneath the hood and locate a short hose coming from the firewall within the passenger side. The hose is usually L-shaped and points downward toward the floor. This hose need to be open and distinct, permitting drinking water to run out onto the floor because the air conditioner runs. If you should are jogging the air conditioner and there is no puddle of drinking water after a number of minutes, then you definately almost definitely have a very clogged hose. To distinct the blockage, use a chopstick, knitting needle or piece of wire coat hanger and poke into your hose to get rid of any clogged debris. Then run the air conditioner for the number of minutes. If your clog is gone, it?s best to see a puddle of drinking water within the floor underneath the automotive. If you should do not see a puddle, repeat the method till you will have eliminated all debris from the hose in addition to the air conditioner can drain freely.
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'Still Alive' played on 3D printed record, takes music piracy to complicated new levels originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 24 Jan 2012 20:32:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Sarah Palin has a way with words.
The 2008 V.P. nominee, who hasn't formally endorsed Newt Gingrich but still told people to vote for Newt in South Carolina and is clearly glad he won Saturday's primary, had some fun with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's reaction to Gingrich's win.
After Christie, a Romney supporter and surrogate, bashed Gingrich as an embarrassment to the Republican party, Palin stated, eloquently, that Chris just has his panties in a wad over his guy losing. Sarah's words, not ours. Watch:
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ORANGEBURG, S.C. - - Newt Gingrich trundles into the meeting hall - - a former X-rated movie theater - - to rapturous applause.
He is not the best-looking guy in Republican race or the best-funded or the most ideologically pure. But he has found his shtick, and he is shticking to it.
Continue ReadingNewt Gingrich is the angriest man in America.
Mitt Romney will tell you that Barack Obama is a ?nice guy? but that he is ?in over his head.?
Newt Gingrich will tell you Barack Obama is ?the most radical and most incompetent president in our lifetime!?
Obama is more than incompetent, in fact. To Newt, he is a moron. ?It?s one thing to say the White House can?t play chess, it?s another to say it can?t play checkers,? Newt says and pauses like the professional he is for the laugh to build. ?But tic-tac-toe??
But Obama is more than stupid. He is dangerous. This is important to keep in mind.
The Gingrich campaign is based on the notion of perpetual struggle against perpetual peril.
?How many of you believe the left will fight us every step of the way even after we win?? Gingrich asks the crowd.
The next day, Gingrich will win the South Carolina primary. But he already knows that will happen. That is a given. Just like his nomination and election. But even that will not be enough to silence the ?secular socialists? who oppose him from the left.
The ?left? is a broad category to Gingrich. It includes liberals, socialists, anti-religious bigots, i.e. Democrats, most of the media, some misguided Republicans, and, well, anybody who opposes Newt Gingrich.
?We knew there?d be attacks, and the closer we were to winning the more ferocious the attacks would be,? Gingrich says.
John King of CNN, who asked Gingrich in a debate Thursday night whether he had ever asked his second wife for an ?open? marriage, is part of the ferocious attack machine that seeks to thwart Gingrich.
Gingrich has called this ?despicable? and now he calls it ?grotesque.?
?Is the American news media just totally out of touch with reality?? he asks reporters after the rally. ?You want to say: Get a life! There is a consistent pattern year after year that the American people are sick of the behavior of the news media. Sick!?
Anger, umbrage and bitterness are so much a part of Gingrich?s public persona that he likes to attack the very concept of happiness.
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Our brethren at CFT have been covering the Joe Paterno situation thoroughly and appropriately, but we can?t overlook the passing of one of the most significant figures in football history, even though Paterno never played or coached pro football.
Fewer than five months ago, Paterno reacted to the death of Raiders owner Al Davis by disclosing that Davis had tried to hire Paterno to be the team?s offensive coordinator when Davis was working as the head coach.? (Yes, Davis actually coached the Raiders from 1963 through 1965, giving up the reins at roughly the same time Paterno became head coach at Penn State.)
?When Al got the job [in Oakland], he called me to be his offensive coordinator,? Paterno said in October 2011.? ?I told Al, ?You and I would have trouble getting along, because I am smarter than you are.??
In 1969, the Steelers offered Paterno a job that eventually went to Chuck Noll.? At the time, Paterno was making $20,000 per year; the Steelers offered him $70,000.? And Paterno passed.
?It was an awful lot of money, a fantastic offer,? Paterno had said. ?I?d never dreamed of making that much money. Then I started thinking about what I wanted to do.? I had put some things out of whack.? I haven?t done the job I set out to do at Penn State.?
Paterno did the job, and in hindsight some will say he stayed too long.? But as Brent Musburger told Dan Patrick more than three years ago, Paterno feared that, if he retired, he?d soon die ? like Bear Bryant did less than a month after retiring from the University of Alabama.
In the end, that?s what happened.? Officially caused by a form of lung cancer that when disclosed was described as not life threatening, Paterno?s life ended fewer than three months after he coached his final game.
The circumstances surrounding the conclusion of his tenure should never be forgotten, primarily to ensure that the events won?t be repeated at Penn State, or elsewhere.? But few figures from any sport had the kind of impact, success, and longevity that came from the coaching career of Joe Paterno.
We extend our condolences to his family, friends, assistant coaches, players, and the entire Penn State community.
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Samsung Galaxy Note for AT&T passes through the FCC originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 20 Jan 2012 20:34:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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